Thursday, 15 December 2011

Hello Android !!

                       Its time for the next tutorial.You should have set up your development environment as shown in the previous post.Its time for the first project.This tutorial will deal with Hello Android which frankly is nothing but creating a project and running it.We will explore the contents of the project in this tutorial.What you require is Eclipse,an emulator and of course the ADT Plugin as described in the previous post.

New Project         
1)We start by making a new project in Eclipse
     File > New >  Android Project

2) A dialog box will appear as shown below

    3)   Give your Project a name.(Here Example)
    4)   Select a Target version representing your target android version.I have selected v1.6 and above as        this will make your app available for all above android versions.
    5)  Eclipse will automatically fill Min-SDK version and application name which you can change.You have to specify a package a name as well.It should be unique and don't use .This will be used to identify and search your application in android market.
    6)  There is also a field called Activity name.This Activity refers to a class that is going to be set as a launcher activity.Activity is something that a user views as his UI and has the control of UI thread.More on Activity in later posts.
   7)Once all this is done you are ready to create your project.Click on Finish to create the Project.

Setting up running Environment:
In order to run your program on eclipse you will have to setup  run/debug configurations.

1) Go to Run > Run Configurations 
The following dialog will open

2) Double Click on the Android Application and then the New_configuration
3) Give it a name and give the Project name for Project

4) Click on Target > select a target from the AVD you created as per the last post.Here donut. Click on Apply and Run to run your project.

That's it you successfully completed the Hello Android Project.Did you do anything ? Nothing actually told ya !! :)

Finally just an Overview of what all files were generated in the project:

1) src : as the name suggests contains your java package and the source code.You can see the 
  in it.
2) gen: It contains self-generated which holds the references of all the resources like TextView,strings,
3) res: ->drawable(ldpi,mdpi,hdpi)->contains the images you want to use in your app(for different densities)
    res: ->layout ->contains the layout in an xml file made of views like textview , buttons etc.
    res:->values ->some values you want to be available throughout your strings say your app name 
                             in xml files
The reference for these resources are stored in in gen.
 4) AndroidManifest.xml : A very important file which has instructions for your application behaviour  and information for Android OS like how many Activities it has?what is the package name?What permissions are required?etc.

Thats the project environment you have.A more realistic app in the next tutorials till then,
Happy Droiding !!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Getting Started !!

              So are you all geared up for android development now ? Android Development is done in Java and if you don't ant to bang your head on a wall in an IDE more specifically in Eclipse IDE.
Pre-Requisites for android development:
1)Android SDK and ADT plugin:

2)Eclipse IDE :
You can Download it from here :
You will require Eclipse IDE for Java Developers => Galileo or Helios or Indigo will do. I use Galileo but newer versions will be preferred. 
3) Some basic knowledge of Java and xml .
This tutorial will mainly deal with setting up the development environment.

1) Download the Android SDK starter package downloaded from the above link.

2)Run the SDK manager  in your android-sdk  folder

3)In the SDK Manager , click on the Available Packages and download all of them or at least the sdk and  at least one emulator i.e API levels.

4)Installing ADT plugin in eclipse :
Start Eclipse:
Go to Help > Install New Software 

5) Click Add, in the top-right corner.In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location:
6) Click OK.In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to
Developer Tools and click Next.
7)In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click
Next and Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
Note: If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click OK.
8)Restart Eclipse.
Give the android sdk path in eclipse:
Go to Window > Preferences > Android >path to SDKi.e android sdk folder.
(Make sure no spaces are included in the path) 

10) Create an Android Virtual Device
Go to Window > Android SDK And AVD Manager > New > Choose an API Level give it name 
and choose Create AVD.This will be the emulator on which your projects will run.Choose
Screen size preferably HVGA(standard resolution).
This completes your configuration of android development environment.
Now you are all set to develop the next big app for android.More on that in the next post.
Till then 
Happy Droiding !!!! 

Friday, 2 December 2011

Why Android???

                     The second post for this blog is coming after a very long time.A month and half in assignments and  exams makes it really hard to blog.The application development did take a backseat during this duration and hence the exams ended I went on and started work on updating Vocopedia.Now vocopedia has been updated to v1.5.Also I got Vocopedia copyrighted and a paid version will soon be up.Before we start with android application development it would be essential to know why Android ?


 For a user:

         Android is an open source operating system based on Unix currently owned by Google.It is one of the most popular and probably the best Operating System for Mobile Smartphones and Tablets.No doubt
android was chosen for ultra low cost tablet Akash.It has multiple app stores the main among it being the Android Market managed by Google.It is known to have 2,00,000+ apps in April 2011 and is the fastest growing app-store behind apple's App Store only.Also there are many free apps for android available(say 60%). It has the best user interface,usability and a developer network in the word that develops applications,scripts for your phone to make it better day by day. There are Custom Roms (custom builds) available that make your phone fast ,smooth ,cool and awesome. Cyanogen Mod being the best of them with CM9( Android 4.0-ICS in development) being the latest.No doubt I am an all and all Android guy !!Android phones make other phones look obsolete.And the best part is you can get an android phone for as less as 6K while for iPhone in India you have to pay 50K.So you want to buy a phone?Go for Android anytime.

For a developer:

                 Android development can be a great decision as a hobby or even a full time profession.Android development is basically done in Java.For developing an Android Application there are mainly two requirements, Android SDK and Eclipse IDE 1.5 and above.Why develop for Android ? For anyone wanting to start into mobile application development android is ideal since no. of phones getting activated in a day is more than 4,00,000.Also a lot of tutorials and help is available online for Android.In order to publish your app in android market you need to pay 25$ one time only on the other hand for Iphone you have to pay 99$ every year which is also the same for windows phone 7 and for nokia-symbian apparently no one bothers.
Also the applications can be developed in Windows,Linux and Mac Os.For iPhone you require Mac and for Windows Phone 7 only Windows.From hardware point of view you can create hardware specific applications.Android development is not limited to apps but in kernel development,performance enhancements,and literally unleashing the power of your devices which cannot be done on other platforms.The Kernel development  for my made me a fan of Linux and that is why I have started studying Linux Kernels for the same.Plus it will improve my knowledge of  embedded systems programming (My Favourite Subject) .
           From next post onwards android application development tutorials will be coming. Till then

                                                             Happy Droiding !!!